Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Being present.

Are you happy here? Wherever "here" may be for you; both the physical location + in the moment in life you are in? I have been reminded of this bunches lately. Learning to appreciating the moment I am in + to be present; be it dealing with a screaming toddler, working with a client, cleaning the house, taking a webinar to learn about entrepreneurship, enjoying a nice glass of red wine, or having dinner (or even a disagreement for that matter!) with my partner. Good or bad, easy or uncomfortable; truly being present and appreciative in any of these moments takes practice, practice, practice! Still practicing... :) 

I took the picture above this summer while on a boat ride around Linekin Bay + Boothbay Harbor. My family and I were with friends enjoying the beautiful sun + blue skies, listening to music, slowly touring the coast of Maine, soaking in the moments. Yesterday I enhanced the image with the help of This morning I made this image my screen saver on my laptop as a reminder to stop, take a deep breath, + soak in the moment - even if it sucks, I know the moment is fleeting and around the next turn maybe a moment like the one I recall from the image above. 

Make it a great day! Cheers, 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Since we are now less than a week away from Halloween, I figured that I would reveal my creative and affordable costume solution that I have created for Charlie. The best part is it's unique and most of the supplies came from The Dollar Store! 

It all started with the blue cape. When I realized that Superman did not have a blue cape and all he kept talking about was wanting to be Batman. Avoiding a mini-melt down from the 2 year old, my creative mom-mind when into full effect, and together Charlie and I created our own super hero: 
 Super Mattei (our last name) Man!
 Super mom moment for me, it worked! He has been telling everyone about Super Mattei Man. Most people have no idea what he is talking about and probably think his name is Matthew! Oh well, it's our little super hero creation and Charlie is taking his new roll very seriously. We have even had a few dress rehearsals. 
So fast he is almost flying. 

Anyway, here are the supplies and associated costs all at the Dollar Store, except for the Velcro: 
Blue Cape ($1)
Red Duct Tape ($1 each roll)  + Blue Painters Tape ($1) 
Large Foam Sheets ($1) + Glittery Foam Sheets ($1)
Packet of Felt ($1) + Sew-On Velcro ($2.99 @ JoAnn's) 
Glue Gun Sticks ($1)

The other items I already had at home; glue gun, scissors, and a white mask left over from last Halloween.  I searched my trusty friend, Pinterest, for some inspiration images, and went to town! 
A few sketches, wine, and hot glue and I created a fun, unique, and special custom for my little super hero’s first real trick-or-treating adventure. No sewing required thanks to duck tape and hot glue. So easy + so cheap =  my kind of DYI. 

 I have bunches of left over supplies, so I have been thinking I may add a shield of some sort by Friday, or who knows, maybe I will make a Super Mattie Mommy costume!?!

Happy Halloween + safe Trick-or-Treating! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's never too late....

We all only have one life to live.
 It's never too late. 
Go get that dream job, education, love, house, goal... whatever YOU hope for. 
You won't regret at the least giving it a try.
Allow yourself to be surprised by the journey. 
Be what you will be! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Sometimes when I am in need of a little pick-me-up, I grab an old quote book and read a few quotes, on this dreary Thursday, it turns out it is just what the doctor ordered. I have a large collection of quote books both from my teenage angst-y years and some pretty amazing ones from my days of being an Outward Bound instructor. I have a chalk board in my office that I rotate quotes on. Just a quick glance at the chalk board to inspire and set your mind on a positive track. This is a tradition that I am carrying on from my mom, she always has a chalk board with inspirational notes on it in our house. As they say, "the apple doesn't fall far...." (Thanks Mom!) 

Thanks to Pinterest and to having a phone or computer always at the ready,  I do not have to search far to find inspiration or a daily pick-me-up. I have an entire board of dedicated to quotes on my Pinterest page, which you can find here

Today I discovered (through my favorite time-suck, Pinterest) a lovely little website called It is a great way to take one of your favorite quotes and put it a picture form, tweet it, pin it, post it....just share your sun-shiny disposition and inspiring thoughts with the world!  

Here is a quote from my Choices Quote Book from my time instruction courses on Thompson Island Outward Bound. 

Here's to the powerful, little, don't-hold-me-down, bumblebee! Make it a great day!