Monday, December 13, 2010

My Christmas Bells are Ringing.

So, it dawned on me the other day why the decorations were up so early this year, there are Christmas presents wrapped under the tree (ALREADY!), and I am feeling on top of things....because for the first time in 5 years I am not in finals-hell right before the Holidays! Life is SOOOOO good after grad school.

Well, I thought I would share a few images of my particular our adorable tree that I am falling in love with every night as we sit by it in our cozy living room listening to Charlie Brown's Christmas.

We got our tree (for FREE!!!) from a friend who was cutting down trees, responsibly of course, in his yard. I love that the branches are separated, which highlights our few and special ornaments.

I also bought a bunch of pine cones this year as decoration...subtle, natural...and I just love them!!! Oh, and as you maybe able to see...I won the newly-wed war! I achieved my mono-chrome, classy tree with silver and white ornaments.

Hoping all of your holiday seasons are off to a great start. Peace and much love from our home to yours!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In the Spirit Early!

Getting in the spirit much earlier this year! Since I am a newly-wed, or I would like to think so at least...1.5 years is still newly-wed right?? Anyway, over the past few years we have been building our ornament collection. Despite my husbands liking, I am pushing the idea of Christmas tree with white and silver ornaments...mostly consisting of snowflakes and icicles! I think it looks classy and timeless, while he would prefer more colorful decorations on the tree. In this case, I think the designer WINS! :)

I created a treasury on Etsy last night that would embody how I would like my holiday decorations to look. I figure I can have these types of decorations until kiddo's come into our lives...then things will be a little more crafty, definitely more colorful, and a lot less organized and neat.

In the mean time, I would like my holiday decorations and tree trimmings to be simple, clean, and elegant like this Etsy Treasury.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Mothers; inspiring and creating a sense of home...

Recently, I have been reflecting on motherhood. Not so much for me, as a mother (whenever that may be), but how mothers create and foster a strong sense of 'home'. Unfortunately, in mid October, my husband and I, with many of his family members watched bedside as his sweet, sweet grandmother passed away. She was surrounded by her loving husband of 68 years, 3 out of the 5 of her children, a son-in-law, a few of her grand children and their spouses, and a yet-to-be-born great-grand child, (my niece!-more on that in December). There was so much love around her when she passed, there was little chance of it being a difficult passing. It was an emotional day, but I am so glad I was there to support my husband and his family.

A few short days later, my wonderful sister-in-law, Marisa, gave the eulogy at the funeral. She recollected how Grandma Sullivan was the glue that kept their family together, she created a HOME for all of the generations of her clan. She was famous for always feeding her family and particularly tempting the little ones in the family with sweets. Either way, through actual sweets or just her sweet personality, she helped to welcome, love, and create a sense of home. Marisa referenced how she was creative, with a studio in her renovated garage, welcoming in all the family members to paint, create, or just find any way to express themselves through art. In fact, there will be a piece of Grandma Sullivan's art in my new niece's nursery. She also noted how one of Grandma Sullivan's daughters whispered in her ear before she passed "Thank you for being a wonderful mother to all of us." What an amazing feat to be the mother of five, grandmother of eleven, and great-grandmother of nine! She truly was a wonderful grandmother and mother to so many. When my grandmother passed two years ago, I said to Grandma Sullivan, "I do not have any more grandparents, can you adopt me as one of your own?" She graciously accepted both verbally and truly. I always felt like one of her "kids" even after only knowing each other for three short years.

All of these thoughts and experiences, could not help but illuminate the links between the home and motherhood. When I created this blog, I did not intend on posting things of this nature, but I guess life helps to dictate our thoughts and connections. Motherhood is so directly linked to the title of this blog - mothers inspire, mothers create, and mothers are often times our home - our warm, safe place.

When I think of my own mother, she will be able to spoken of in the same way that Grandma Sullivan was; bringing the family together, loving, caring, and offering a space to be creative and to foster creativity in family members and friends that come into our home. My mothers art is all over the house I grew up in and in my new home with my husband. I believe that it is a syncronistic thing to be lucky enough to have more than one strong, creative, loving, female role model, that have influenced me and will continue to influence me as I embark on motherhood. I truly feel blessed.

Thank you to all the wonderful mothers that this description relates to! Thank you to all the wonderful mothers in MY life; Momma Lizzie, Grammy, Grandma Sullivan, Marty, Susan, Grandma Mattei, Aunt Betsey,....the list goes on and on! Like I said, I truly feel blessed.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Adding Info

I have been adding information to the tabs in my blog...
Check it out!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here goes....


Three words that capture what I hope this blog will become. Inspire. Create. Home. I hope to inspire people with words and images. Share my words and the words of others to inspire change in day to day life, courage to create, power to move forward, and to motivate both you and me to LIVE LIFE!

Through these words and images I hope to encourage creation. As a third generation artist, creating art of many different forms has always been my outlet. I find so much joy in creating - sometimes there is not enough time for all that I want to do! I have been lucky enough to translate my love for creating into my career as a designer, and now, after FINALLY completing graduate school, into my hobbies that I now have time for.

Creating is a constant learning process. It is an outlet to release and discover. I hope my blogging and images, help inspire, encourage creation and discovery, and help you create "home"....whatever that may be for you. Slainte!