Photo credit: listening to NPR on my way to work recently, I heard an article about the Golden Gate Bridge how special, yet apparently accidental, the color of the bridge is. Here is the link to the article, so that you can hear to learn more about the color and the care for this national landmark for yourself.
It was interesting to learn of the origin of the color, as well as to understand the care and pride that goes into maintaining it's special color by a group of dedicated individuals. While the exact color is a secret, I started to notice this wonderful color (or something like it!) around me. I took a walk one evening after work and took a bunch of photos, with the awe inspiring Golden Gate Bridge and international orange in mind. This walk had me thinking further about how wonderful this color would be used in an interior space. What a bold color choice! Here is a great interior space that uses international orange to make a statement.
Photo credit and for some other interesting information on international orange:
See other orange ideas like this at:
Check out this classy bedroom, an image shared on :
There are a plethora of orange interior accessories that I came across through my searches, my next post maybe a collage of orange accessories!
Thanks for reading!